Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tips de Belleza que toda chica debería saber.

Todas las mujeres, entendemos lo importante que es estar siempre arregladas y bellas, pero también sabemos lo complicado, caro y estresante que es mantener de punta en blanco. Habrán días que nuestro cabello no cooperará, otros la cara, otros el cuerpo, y así puedo seguir días y días. Así que, aquí les voy a colocar tres tipos muy fáciles para solucionar problemas de último minuto. 

Tip #1: Dientes Blancos y relucientes.

Desde hace algunos años, tener los dientes tan blancos que cuando les pega el sol se refleja la luz, ha sido una moda. Progresivamente han salido millones de productos carísimos y algunos de procedencia dudosa para blanquear los dientes. Después salió la moda del Carbón Activado, el cual, no es tan fácil de conseguir, pero todo esto tiene solución. Sólo necesitas tu cepillo de dientes y un poquito de conocimiento.

  • Para mantener tus dientes sanos y fuertes, no te los cepilles justo después de comer, Sí ya me oíste. Está comprobado científicamente, que los químicos que la saliva posee a la hora de comer, tardan 30 minutos en asentarse y desaparecer. Por lo tanto, si nos cepillamos los dientes justo después de comer, estamos masajeándolos con todos los ácidos naturales que funcionan la para desglosar la comida, dañando así nuestra placa dental y por ello, se vuelven más amarillos cada vez.
  • Después de haber pasado 30 minutos, cepilla tus dientes, tal y como te lo enseño tu dentista, siempre y cuando no apliques una presión fuerte, lo único que estarás haciendo será partiendo las cerdas y dañando tus encías, dejando a los dientes sucios. 
  • Una vez al mes, puedes agregarle bicarbonato de sodio a tu pasta dental y cepillar los dientes por 15 minutos para eliminar el sarro. Recuerda que los excesos son malos, SOLO puedes hacer esto una vez al mes de lo contrario, el bicarbonato rompería tu placa dental.
Tip #2: Elimina Malos Olores. 

Nuestro cuerpo suda para eliminar las toxinas y bacterias que nos contaminan. El pH de algunas personas es más fuerte que el de otras, pero no causa mal olor. Los malos olores en las axilas están causados por el contacto de las bacterias del exterior con el sudor y que mueren por el calor. Si te cuerpo recién bañado suelta olores fuertes, probablemente sea un problema hormonal.

Muchas veces los desodorantes no congenian con nuestro pH creando los odiosos olores perfumados y al mismo tiempo mal olientes. Si este tu casa, utiliza desodorantes sin olores o con pH neutro. Puedes ir probando poco a poco hasta que consigas uno que te sirva. 

  • Para blanquear las axilas y liberarte de los malos olores, frota tus axilas con bicarbonato de sodio y limón, déjalo por media hora y lávalo muy bien con agua. Haz esto en la noche preferiblemente, recuerda que le limón con el sol mancha la piel.

Tip #3: Tus Brochas

  • Lava tus brochas siempre con champuses amigables preferiblemente de niños.  Porque...
  1. Contienen menos químicos nocivos, recuerda que esas brochas pasan por tu cara
  2. Es más suave para las cerdas de las brochas
  3. No contiene alcoholes ni sulfatos, los cuales pueden irritar, secar y dañar tu piel
  4. Es más barato que muchos de los jabones especiales que venden
  5. La glicerina está más concentrada, removiendo todos los trazos de aceite

Tip #4: Evita el depilado excesivo

  • Si quieres limpiar tus cejas sin sacar demasiados pelos y por consiguiente, dañar tu forma y dejar hueco, utiliza un lápiz blanco para delinear tus cejas bien pegado a su forma natural. Todo lo que quede en la línea o fuera de ella, puedes quitarlo con unas pinzas. 
  • Recuerda peinar con una spolie las cejas en la dirección correcta antes de depilar.

Tip #5: El color de tus cejas.

Muchas de nosotras tenemos unas cejas gruesas, oscuras y prominentes, que cuando decidimos teñir nuestro pelo de un tono más claro, a veces no contrastan o se ven poco naturales. 

  • Puedes arreglarlo, delineando el final de tu ceja con un tono más claro y el otro lado con dos tonos más claro.
  • También puedes delinearla bien suave con un lápiz del mismo tono y colocar con una spolie una sombra más clarita o iluminador en el inicio de tu ceja.
  • Recuerda limpiar el alrededor de tu ceja con base o corrector para obtener un efecto prolijo

Friday, January 27, 2017

Everyday Beauty Hacks

Some girls have to struggle with some problems in their life. Like we know all body types are different from the rest, some girls have dry skin, others blemishes, strong pH, etc, etc. And sometimes we don´t know how to manage our body or find a solution for different but common circumstances.

This is why I am here for.... 

Hack #1: Whitening Your Tooth

  • Brush your teeth 3 times a day, every day, 30 minutes after you had eaten, that way all of the chemicals and acids that our saliva produces when you are eaten had dissipated and your teeth are not susceptible and debilitated by them when your brush them.
  • If you think brushing them strongly it´s going to make the look whiter, you are wrong. The more pressure you put the less your brush bristles are touching them, you are just separating the bristles and hurting your gums. Brush them softly with the points of the brush.
  • One a month you can use Bicarbonate de soude or Baking soda with your toothpaste to whiten your teeth. Brush the concoction for 3 to 6 minutes and rinse well. DO NOT DO THIS ALL THE TIME, BECAUSE IT CAN DAMAGE YOUR ENAMEL AND DECAY THEM.
  • Another trick is to use activated charcoal, brushing the twice a month with a little bit of water.

Hack #2: Bad Smells

  • If you are that kind of girls who has strong sweat and when mixed it with your deodorant causes your clothes to smell awful but your armpits do not smell. I highly recommend changing your deodorant for a neutral pH one.
  • There is some shirt material that your sweat will cling easier than others and even put horrendous yellow circles on them. DO  NOT WORRY YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEAD ABOUT IT. If your shirt is white you can wash the spot with baking soda and lime and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing it and wash it as normal. 
  • You can balance the colour and pH of your armpits with the same tip as before.Use baking soda and a little bit of lemon juice, rubbing it gently as a scrub for 5 minutes and leaving it for another 10. after that wash it really well with water. Remember that lemon juice can burn and blemish your skin when its exposure to the sun.

Hack #3: Blackened Places

  • Your kneecaps and elbows are made of dead skin that is why when you pinch them you don´t feel fewer or any pain at all. So this part of the body tends to be darker on some girls than others. You can always clear them with baking soda and lemon juices like with your armpits making sure you always nourish them with body creams and different oils as olive, almond or coconut oil, which will ensure that they are nurish and smooth looking. 

Hack #4: A monster pimple 

There is a theory that I have: It's been a month since you have had a party and now your social life is going to resurface again. Of course, you are going to dress the cutest, sexiest and sensual possible andy you are doing your makeup when a beautiful, radiant and big pimple appears and says: Hi, we are going out? So now I am out. (Quote scream face)

Yeah, I pretty much have a hack for that and it's very simple. 

Baking F***** Soda, Yeah biaches,

  • Grab a glass or a recipent and pour baking soda in it. Add the tiniest bit of water and.... Voila. 
  • Mix it for a few seconds and very quickly grab with your clean finger and put the thickest amount on the pimple and leave it there for a hour or two. The rinse it with lukewarm water.
  • You are going to notice the pimpel is less bloated and red. In two days, Danger Adverted.

3 Basic Hair Care Hacks

Hello, Hackies, we are going to talk about our best asset (Of course, not leaving behind our best assets that it's our personality, but… you get it) and a the same time our worst nightmare in our worst day…. Our Hair.
What can I say that you don’t know by now? Us girls are obsessed with our hair,  always wanting it to look shining but no grease, tame but not flat, fluffy but no freezy, long but without dead ends, with curls, straight, etc, etc,etc….
Like I say sometimes is a full-time job, look how we wanted (Even though we are beautiful as we are right now, so feel the pretty confidence of yourself, cause new flash, your beautiful inside and out.)
Although, our hair its one of the most precious things we girls have, we always treat it badly, how so? Well, we put it in extreme heat, with brushing it when it's wet, we dye it, we don’t eat healthily and we don’t drink enough water... So I'm going to give 20 hacks that with help you take care of your hair without expending lots of money and without losing so much time...

11. Eat Healthy and Drink Water. 

  • Remember that we reflect what we eat and what we drink, if we always eat greasy fast food, our body it’s not going to obtain all the vitamins and minerals we need to make our hair and nails to grow faster and healthier and our skin it's going to be papery thin and susceptible to easy damage.
  •  Our daily diet should include generous proportions of fruits and vegetables, drink 6 to 7 glasses of water and exercise (AND I'm not talking about an excessive and exhausting workout routine because I'm going to admit I'm a lazy one soo..)

2. Protect it against Heat!

  • Curler, flat iron, blow dryer, etc… These are the enemies of our hair, but like say it’s a necessary evil to stylish it, so every time your going to use any hot tool, dose your hair with a healthy amount of heat protector and try to not use the highest temperature, so you can avoid excessive damage, that later resumes into having to trim your hair more to get rid of split ends.  
  • When we are on the beach, maintain your hair moisturiser with your hair care moisturiser of choice, always looking that have alcohol so it won't cause more damage with the sun.

83. Do not wash your hair every day.

Ok, I know this is a little bit complicated because not every girl has the same hair type. so I'm going to give a hack depending on every hair type.

  •  Greasy Hair: Greasy hair always demands a great amount of care because it can look shinier than what we call healthy and tends to get a foul smell if you don´t shower it daily. (So if you have this type of hair this hacks does not include you) but if you are in a hurry and you need to tame that greasy beast (HA HA, just kidding), you can use a dry shampoo, baby powder and even cornstarch ( yeah yeah your read right cornstarch) on your roots, massaging it into your scalp with gentle movements. ( If you want to know more about natural ways to tame a greasy hair comment bellow GREASY FESTIVAL!)

  •  Normal Hair: you should wash your hair every two days, putting shampoo only on your scalp, never on your ends( I REPEAT DO NOT USE ON YOUR ENDS) because the ends of our hair are the driest part of your hair given that the natural oils and vitamins tend to not reach regularly, so if you use shampoo on them, you are probably damaging it more.
  • Use conditioner from your middle of your hair towards your ends, do not use it on your roots because it will cause them to look greasier.
  • Optional: You can always use a hair mask, for extra moisturiser

  • Dry Hair: You could do exactly the same as if you have a Normal Hair, but you should wash it two to three days or use the method of the cold shower.
  • Taking a cold shower means that you wet your hair and massage your scalp with your fingers without using any shampoo and then you use your regular conditioner.
  • After shower, you could use some leave on conditioner to prevent breakage and split ends and a wide tooth comb.

Sunday, January 08, 2017

That Boy Series By Jillian Dodd

Let´s Talk About Books...

 I am one of those geeky girls (With all the honor to does geeky girls out there ;)) who like to read so much tan I can´t stand a day without a history between my fingers, even if it is my Ipad hehe.

 One of my favourite books of all the time its That Boy Series by Jillian Dodd. I´m no going to go all Spoiler on you.. so don´t worry

This is one of those books that brings the old movie fairy tales books to our reality. With all normal problems as school, boys, parents, parties, etc. It's a beautiful book and makes you fall in love with all of the characters and you won´t get away from the book not even to shower (Even though it is a tricky thing to do, you can do it) The first book it's evolving from a little girl to a teenager that doesn´t know why boys don´t see her attractive when in reality every boy looks at her from afar. There are two beautiful, mischievous boys in this story, wich are her best friends (I not spoiling this is common knowledge hehe) Anyway, the book is about this girl life and how teenage stage can make things look slightly different. She is worried about who is going to be her first kiss, worried about the feelings she is harbouring, and wich boy is That Boy. I recommended it to you from the bottom of my heart and I´m pretty sure you will love it too.

1. That Boy 

That Boy is a contemporary romance about falling in love with the boys next door.

You know, being friends with two cute boys does have its benefits. 

There's Danny. Danny is a golden boy in every way. He has dreamy blue eyes and blonde hair that always looks perfect, even when it’s windblown or been stuck under a football helmet. He’s the boy every girl crushes on. The boy I get into trouble with, the boy I fight with, the hot quarterback no girl can resist, not even me. Being with Danny is like being on an adventure. He has a bright, contagious smile and abs to die for. He’s pretty much irresistible.

Equally crush worthy is Phillip. Adorable, sweet Phillip, who I have known since birth.  Phillip has dark hair, a perfect smile, brown eyes, and the sexiest voice I have ever heard. He’s the boy I talk to every night before I go to sleep. The boy who rescues me, the boy who can read my mind, the boy who is always there for me, the boy who tries to keep me out of trouble, the boy who irritatingly keeps getting hotter, and whose strong arms always seem to find their way around me.  And when he gives me that grin, I can never say no.

One boy will give me my very first kiss.
One boy will teach me to make out.
One boy will take me to prom.
And finally, one boy will ask me to marry him.
They will both be my best friends.
But only one of them will be the boy I fall in love with.

Only one of them is That Boy. 

2. That Wedding

The gorgeous engagement ring on my finger mimics my happiness. I feel so sparkly, glittery, and full of promise because I absolutely know he's that boy. The boy I want to marry. My prince. My happily ever after. But then our pastor starts asking lots of questions. His parents say I haven't dealt with my past. I have horrible wedding disaster dreams. I can't find the perfect dress. I have to manipulate him to get my way. An old boyfriend asks me to run away with him. My best friend says I'm going to ruin everything. And forever starts to sound like a really long time. Which totally freaks me out and makes me question everything I know. Should best friends get married? Will my past affect our relationship? Are my horrible dreams a warning? Will I ever find a dress? Could his sexiness be clouding my judgment? Am I going to ruin everything? Or is it just a case of cold feet? And then I have to decide. Am I willing to give up on true love forever, or am I going to listen to my heart and marry him?"

3. That Baby

   First comes love, then comes marriage . . . and then comes That Baby. That Baby is the final book in the That Boy trilogy by USA Today bestselling author, Jillian Dodd. It’s amazing how a few little words can change your life. It starts with a simple I love you.   It’s made official with I do.  And becomes incredible with I’m pregnant. Jadyn is the girl I love. The girl I’ve always loved. Our lives are like single threads meticulously woven together—the result an exquisite tapestry of past, present, and future. Then there are the words that will unravel me.  A few little words that will change my life. 

Curious Fact #1

Sooo.... Let´s see...

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Basic Hair Care Routines Tricks

We girl are the world on itself. Always trying to look our best and bringing our unique features into focus so everyone can see it. But always been so pristine, beautiful and clean is an art, a hard-every-day-work, seemingly-good-for-some-of-us and more banging-your-head-on-a-wall difficult sometimes for others. That’s why we always have to have some tips and tricks that can help us with our everyday feminine-struggling 

One of our most precious features, the one that encloses our face and makes everyone unique is our hair.
Yeah, our every-morning-freaking-out-about-it hair
the OMG-my hair-is-so-greasy-i-could-provide-oil-for-McDonald's-all-year
Our bed-musing-hair-that-in-movies-look-so-good-but-for-us-is-a-rats-nest
Yeah..... Our Hair....
Hahaha, you know what I am talking about, and I pretty sure I could go on and on...

So first of all, we are going to talk about our hair care routine.

  • We should wash our hair every two days so it can preserve its natural chemicals and oils, those who are good to growth and nourish our hair, such as keratin and vitamins (I am going to post a more extensive blog about shampooing and conditioning the hair) and after use a conditioner for mids to tips not on your scalp because it can make it greasier and even produce dandruff.

  • Remember to always rinse well your shampoo and conditioner because they are not leave in products.... Hahaha Duh. No seriously, it could damage it instead of been helpful for your hair.

  • In your last rinse use lukewarm or cold so it closes all the hair follicles and prevents it from getting molecules of water between the shafts and stripping your hair of your colour (if its dye) and frizzy
  • If your hair is dry you can always use a leave in conditioner and it will also help with the tangles. 
  • Use a wide tooth comb (Yeah... those really cheap combs, no more new-technology-really-expensive-combs-for you babe.) after a shower, being very careful with your hair for its wetness is more delicate and prone to breakage.

  • If you're going to use hot tools, put some heat protector if not... put some heat protector... even the every sun can burn your hair.